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CoffeeLab Independent™ offers consulting services to international organizations, research institutions, retailers, producers, roasters, coffee brands …

The consulting services are customized, with a focus on quality, and with knowledge of the entire coffee chain:

  • Our expertise covers both producing countries (collaborations with coffee cooperatives, companies and projects in origin countries) and consuming countries (collaborations with roasters, retailers ...): we know the challenges of all stakeholders in the entire chain.

  • Our approach is down to earth, specific and practical; our advice is objective, useful and realistic.

  • Our focus is entirely on coffee; we believe that meaningful advice comes from in-depth expertise and knowledge of the product, all production processes, and the market context.


Examples of successfully completed consultancy projects include:

  • Preparation of a strategic plan and business plan for various coffee cooperatives in Africa.

  • Advice on the development of a new range of private label coffees for a supermarket chain.

  • Advice on the development of new coffee products for a restaurant chain.

  • Organization of professional cupping sessions for producers and international buyers at international trade fairs in Europe, the United States and Africa.

  • Advice on risk management for coffee cooperatives, mainly in Africa.

  • Advice on external communication for coffee cooperatives.

  • Quality advice and training for an international project 'relaunch' of production in the coffee sector (Robusta) in West Africa.

  • Broad assessment of the coffee sector in a number of African countries with recommendations for the sustainable development of the sector.

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